Monday, 1 April 2019

A Few Healthy Snack Ideas for Toddlers

Truth I almost felt sorry for that guy. Meridian Health Protocol Review He was intentionally being mean considering what he was trying to do but had no idea how little it would affect me.To me, cookies aren't food. I don't see them as temptations. I ignored two boxes of them sitting for weeks on the desk right next to me without a care. And just so you know, I used to love cookies. And brownies. And cakes, and ice cream, and fudge, and more.Oh yeah, here they come again, the holidays! It's funny because it is a time we all look forward to and yet there is still this dread... the dread of weeks of overeating and the unavoidable weight gain. For many it's quite predictable. In fact, the average American gains 710 pounds during the months of November and December. But really, who can resist all those delectable holiday treats

Many, on the other hand, never gain an extra pound over the holidays. I am usually one of those. "That's because you are a dietitian and never enjoy food anyways" you say. "No way!" is what I say. I enjoy lots of foods. Lots of foods in moderation. "Ugh, the moderation word. So overused." Yeah, I agree. But to a large extend it's true. You can enjoy a wide variety of foods if you keep it in moderation. Overindulge No. Indulge a little Yes.

Now, you might be already thinking, well that's no fun. What's the holidays if you can't eat until your stomach is about to rip in two and you need to take an extended siesta on your grandfather's lazy boy I hear you. We all have traditions that we come to expect and almost crave during this time of year. For so many, over eating is one of them. As mentioned, we dread this season of overeating, but we also expect it and do it anyways. It's like an unbreakable vicious cycle. How do we get out of candy land hell!

One of the first steps is to recognize the problem! The problem is that when we overeat, we constantly override our natural hunger/fullness cues which eventually leads to dysfunction, to the point we can't even tell when we are hungry and full anymore. We start to eat for pleasure or pain instead of physical need. This causes us to eat frequently and in portions much larger than we need.

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