Sunday, 24 March 2019

Make The Second Half The Best Half

In 1941 Major General Hugh 'Pat' Hypnosis Bootcamp System Review Casey designed the Pentagon in only three days. Construction began thirty days later and sixteen months after that on January 15, 1943 this now world famous office building was completed. The Pentagon is the headquarters for the United States Department of Defense and the nerve center for command and control dedicated to protecting the US national interests. You have your own Pentagon of sorts within yourself. This Pentagon, or Penta'tude as I have come to call it, has direct impact on your protection, growth and success and is made up of these five 'tudes Multitude, Magnitude, Latitude, Attitude and Gratitude.

As we go through our daily lives a multitude of opportunities present themselves. However, a multitude of challenges also come along for the ride. If you spend you time fretting about the challenges you will end up blotting out those opportunities. To give you an example of what I'm talking about  take a dime and look at it at arms length. Small, thin not to ominous. But if you put all your focus on it and bring it in close to your eye then it will blot out the world as you see it. Worse yet the closer it gets the more you loose focus and the more the edges blur. Now you don't really know where the challenge ends and the opportunities begin. Focusing on opportunities instead of challenges increases your chances at success, not to mention increasing the level of success you can and will attain.

This works closely with Multitude. As you go through your opportunities and challenges in life and business, you need to magnify the important things. Focus on the magnitude and impact of your core values, desires and major definite purpose. Reduce the magnitude of challenges that seem insurmountable. "Don't make mountains out of molehills" apply strategic thinking and brainstorming techniques to breakdown those seemingly impassable obstacles. I have an article on using brainstorming to solve problems. On the other side of this coin, do not let one major win in your success make you think your set for life. Every good businessperson knows that if your not growing your business then it is dieing. Because if your sitting still while everyone else is moving forward then respectively your are falling behind. Enjoy that major success; bask in the glow and pride it gives you. Then sit down and plan for the next big win.

This is your permission to dream! You have the latitude to be all you can be, to accomplish any task that you desire as long as it is within the bounds of human decency and the letter of the law. This is a liberating freedom that is given only to humankind. We are the only creature on this great planet that I am aware of that has this ability to create it's own destiny and then to fulfill it. Regardless of your color, creed, religion, upbringing, or circumstances you can, if you decide to and take the necessary action, move from where you are right now to where you have always wanted to be.

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